
Nova Gorica
Wind Meteo Altitude
Kovk nad Ajdovščino
Landing Landing alt. Altitude dif.
Log pri Vipavi

From Ajdovscina drive towards the village Col. After passing the church turn left and after about three kilometres you reach village Gozd. After few hundreds meters turn sharply to the left. Stick to the left on further one kilometre of the narrow road. When you reach some houses you will find small parking spot. Walk about five hundreds meters of rough road to the starting place. The gliding on Kovk is possible all the year around. The official landing site is in the village Log, at the road Ajdovscina - Vipava. The landing site is two hundred meters from Pizzeria Anja in direction of Ajdovščina.

Warning: Flying is allowed up to 750 m AGL! Airfield Ajdovščina is located just below the ridge!


kovkfly@gmail.com, Jože Vidmar (+38651270456)

DJP Kovk Ajdovščina