
Nova Gorica
Wind Meteo Altitude
Landing Landing alt. Altitude dif.

In Ajševica village turn right direction north by Kromberk castle and trough Ravnica village to the main road Solkan - Trnovo. Turn right and after driving few km turn right to the marked parking place. Walk 10 min. to takeoff site.
Lijak is all year round flying site with easy XC to the W to Nanos mountain and back.
Landing site is located on the meadow near the Livešče village, well visible from takeoff.

Warnings: Altitude limit is 750 m AGL (north of takeof 2900 ASL - refer to Airspace map!) and 300m AGL over the valley. Please be carefull of air traffic around Ajdovščina airport when flying XC. Low flying over the ridge of the takeoff is forrbiden due to the protected bird nesting.


Damjan Pregelj (+38631327953)

DJP Polet Nova Gorica